The fissure sealants are a preventive measure against the onset of caries. The purpose of the placement of fissure sealants, a kind of "varnish" fluoridated, is to fill the fissures of the chewing surface of the tooth, making it easier to sanitize and hindering the accumulation of food and bacteria and the subsequent appearance of dental caries.
According to the current recommendations of the General Directorate of Health is given priority to topical fluoride by using fluoride folders from the moment of eruption dentária.Os tablets and drops, previously recommended is only administered to children over 3 years of age who are at high risk of caries.
The non-nutritive sucking habits, such as a pacifier or finger sucking should be dropped up to 3 years of age, since at this age there is still the possibility of self-corrective desevolvimento disharmony in any of the dental arches.
The most common symptoms at the time of tooth eruption are: gingival redness, increased production of saliva, loss of appetite, difficulty sleeping and anxiety. The onset of fever, diarrhea and vomiting may or may not be associated with tooth eruption by which should be consulted the doctor assistente.Para relieve local symptoms and the use of suitable products such as gels or teethers, cleaning the mouth 2 can be performed -3 times per day with a wet gauze.
Although girls are generally more precocious tooth eruption begins on average between 6 and 8 months of age, with primary dentition ("Milk") usually complete by about 3 years old. The eruption of permanent teeth, in turn, begins between 5 and 7 years old. These ages may vary and the variations are not necessarily associated with pathology, however, if the child has full dental absence after completing 1 year of age a query control should be made.
The first consultation of Dental Medicine must be held after the eruption of the first teeth "milk" or, at best, until a child is 1 year old.